Explore the ins and outs of using mushroom compost in raised beds. Spoiler alert: There are no mushrooms in the mixture, but it’s still super useful!
Worm farm Tips
Chicken Manure vs. Worm Castings: Which Is Better For Your Plants
Dive into the green world of composting with our guide on Chicken Manure vs. Worm Castings. Discover the secrets to flourishing gardens!
Can Worms Eat Orange Peels?
Orange peels are a good source of nutrients for worms, including vitamins A and C. They’re also high in fiber, which the worms digest and use as a source of energy. However, they’re highly acidic, so make sure to offer them in moderation.
What is an African night crawler?
An African Night Crawler is larger and more resilient than other types of earthworms. So how do you identify one and are they good for the garden?
Tiger Worms; Are they good for the garden?
Tiger worms; what are they exactly, are they the same as earthworms, and are they good for your compost and your garden? Read on..
Mites in Worm Bin
Cultivating earthworms in a worm bin is a sustainable way to transform kitchen scraps, food waste, and other organic materials into nutrient-rich compost. The
Can You Compost Dog Poo in Worm Farm? Everything You Need to Know
Whether you have a large dog or a small one, you must’ve noticed they poo a lot! You’d be surprised to know that a
Why Are My Worms at the Top of the Bin?
Worms have the fantastic ability to turn organic waste into compost for plants. A common problem that various composters face is finding their worms
A Comprehensive Guide to Commercial Flow Through Worm Bin Design
Traditional worm bins are perfect for managing kitchen scraps and generating compost for a personal garden. But it’s a whole different story when it
Best Worms for Raised Garden Beds (Types and Benefits)
Worms, while repulsive to some, are some of the most essential biological life in gardening. They serve practical purposes that can determine the success